Na gorąco wyszperane z sieci nowe fotografie zbliżającej się wielkimi krokami nowej edycji W40k. Wygląda cholernie smakowicie! Swój egzemplarz podręcznika mam już zamówiony ;] Przechodzimy do mięska.
Potwierdziło się - obrazek który wyciekł kilka dni temu do sieci to zdjęcie Rulebooka! Jak dla mnie bomba, chociaż troszkę zastanawiam się czy nie lepiej by wyglądała standardowa, młotkowa okładka. 452 kolorowe strony, twarda okładka - wszystko napchane fluffem i zasadami nowej edycji. Biorę w ciemno!
Dwie dodatkowe edycje podręcznika [ciekawe jakie będą ceny w Polsce].
Collectors Edition - limitowana ilość, ładniejsze wydanie (zerknijcie na okładkę!) oraz dołączone specjalne etui-ołtarz. Gratka dla prawdziwych fanatyków czterdziestki.
Gamers Edition - zwykły podręcznik, a do tego stylowa torba oraz zestaw kości Munitorum Dice, 6 znaczników oraz stylowy magazynek - pojemnik. Interesująca pozycja, bo wg. zapowiedzi w torbie znajdzie się jeszcze miejsce dla kodeksu ;]
GW nie byłoby znaną nam firmą, gdyby nie to, że będzie chciało wyciągnąć od nas jeszcze więcej $$. Poczynając od lewej - zestaw templatek, utrzymane w konwencji najnowszej edycji WFB. Wyglądają fajnie, ale mam dziwne przeczucie, że mogą się okazać nietrwałem
Munitorum Tape Measure - jeśli ktoś nie ma miarki, można się zastanowić. Jeśli jakość wykonania jest dobra i miarka nie jest maksymalnie tandetnie plastikowa, warto się zastanowić nad tym gadżetem :)
Zestaw z markerami i kośćmi [ten z Gamer`s Edition] oraz poszczególne Dice Sety. Bardzo klimatyczne i jeśli ma się kilka groszy, warto mieć choćby jeden ;)
Szczególnie interesujący jest Battlefield Objectives - wg. opisu posłuży nam do oznaczania licznych celów misji głównych i pobocznych. Dodatkowo podano przykład scenariusza Eternal War, gdzie będą określać naturę Mysterious Objective.
Karty psioniki czyli rozwiązanie stricte zapożyczone z WFB. Jak widzimy, dostępnych będzie pięć szkół, w każdym po 7 kart. Ciekawie przygotowane graficznie. Ciekawe jak się będą sprawdzać w rozgrywkach.
Tabeleczka psioniki czyli kto co może psioniczyć :)) Interesujący mnie Chaos to Piromancy, Telekinesis, Telepathy
Dwa nowiutkie Finecasty do armii Nekronów. Ten po lewej jest smakowity!
PS Garść potwierdzonych (?) plot:
PS Garść potwierdzonych (?) plot:
[10:35:09] Ok
[10:35:13] so GW is spoilin 6E
[10:35:15] over the phone
[10:35:23] allies chart is in for sure, a matrix
[10:40:13] you need 1 HQ 2 Troop of your own army
[10:40:26] then you can ally, need 1 HQ 1 Troop of that army
[10:40:31] then may take other slots
[10:45:49] it's still move shoot assault
[10:46:01] "snapshop" = stand and shoot for an assaulted unit
[10:46:20] BS1
[10:46:58] no template or blast
[10:47:32] someone gimme a BoLS link so I can confirm/deny ****
[10:48:04] "schools of psychic powers"
[10:48:11] not sure if its random though
[10:50:44] these psychic powers are IN ADDITION to your codex powers
[10:51:11] so you don't lose any of the powers in a current codex
[10:52:25] premeasure all the time
[10:52:40] random charges 2d6 for foot, 3d6 drop lowest for jump pack troops
[10:53:05] jump pack troops get "hammer of wrath" = impact hits, 1 A @ I 10, normwal weapon normal attack
[10:53:35] for jump packs, not sure about wings, maybe
[10:53:41] he only got to look at the book for an hour
[10:53:46] to "pick topics for customers"
[11:00:13] 6 missions, and 3 deployment zones
[11:00:23] primary and 3 secondary objectives
[11:00:28] vps for objectives
[11:00:35] source
[11:00:37] you have the book?
[11:00:45] oh, over the phone
[11:00:48] yeh
[11:01:02] "first blood" = 2nd objective
[11:01:09] worth 1 vp
[11:01:37] any questions chip?
[11:01:42] I got him for like 10 mins more maybe ;p
[11:01:50] can special characters be brought as allies
[11:02:07] he didn't see any limit on it no
[11:02:25] no more dawn of war, no more spearhead
[11:02:41] one is like triangles
[11:02:44] cleanse 2?
[11:02:47] vehicle damage chart info?
[11:03:13] as in?
[11:03:27] 1's stacking to destroyed? hull points?
[11:03:30] either/or/and
[11:04:20] short edge to short edge deployment type
[11:04:21] lol
[11:04:52] no ****ing way
[11:05:13] Can you get info about different CCW AP values
[11:05:20] he didn't look at that
[11:05:26] I did ask, there is somethin about CCWs
[11:05:37] power weapon is AP2
[11:06:35] You sure about that? Pretty confident people said AP3
[11:07:45] there is a hull point systemm, damage chart changed
[11:08:03] 1-2 shaked 3 = stuned 4 = weapon destroyed 5 = wrecked 6 = kablam
[11:08:25] he didnt seen an immobile on the chart
[11:08:42] he just "Saw that it said AP2, not sure what it was about"
[11:09:20] oh crazy
[11:10:05] terrain is a part of the FoC
[11:10:13] aegis defense line 50pts
[11:10:27] cover is 5+
[11:11:18] wow
[11:11:21] thats way cheaper than i thought
[11:11:39] any example psychic powers?
11:12:31] nope
[11:12:42] "fortifcation FOC slot"
[11:13:09] 1 per game
[11:14:38] so no tables full of terrain
[11:15:57] err sorry 1 per player per game
[11:16:25] rapid fire is half range not 12"
[11:17:47] oh interesting
[11:17:51] rapid fire isnt limited by movement
[11:17:52] but aren't rapid fire guns 24"
[11:17:55] so half range is 12"
[11:18:09] snapshot is also for HWs that have moved
[11:18:52] wait, so you can fire a krak missile as a snapshot?
[11:19:06] yes
[11:19:10] BS1
[11:19:22] heavy bolter that moves = 3 shots at BS1
[11:20:54] thats insane
[10:35:13] so GW is spoilin 6E
[10:35:15] over the phone
[10:35:23] allies chart is in for sure, a matrix
[10:40:13] you need 1 HQ 2 Troop of your own army
[10:40:26] then you can ally, need 1 HQ 1 Troop of that army
[10:40:31] then may take other slots
[10:45:49] it's still move shoot assault
[10:46:01] "snapshop" = stand and shoot for an assaulted unit
[10:46:20] BS1
[10:46:58] no template or blast
[10:47:32] someone gimme a BoLS link so I can confirm/deny ****
[10:48:04] "schools of psychic powers"
[10:48:11] not sure if its random though
[10:50:44] these psychic powers are IN ADDITION to your codex powers
[10:51:11] so you don't lose any of the powers in a current codex
[10:52:25] premeasure all the time
[10:52:40] random charges 2d6 for foot, 3d6 drop lowest for jump pack troops
[10:53:05] jump pack troops get "hammer of wrath" = impact hits, 1 A @ I 10, normwal weapon normal attack
[10:53:35] for jump packs, not sure about wings, maybe
[10:53:41] he only got to look at the book for an hour
[10:53:46] to "pick topics for customers"
[11:00:13] 6 missions, and 3 deployment zones
[11:00:23] primary and 3 secondary objectives
[11:00:28] vps for objectives
[11:00:48] yeh
[11:01:02] "first blood" = 2nd objective
[11:01:09] worth 1 vp
[11:01:37] any questions chip?
[11:01:42] I got him for like 10 mins more maybe ;p
[11:02:07] he didn't see any limit on it no
[11:02:25] no more dawn of war, no more spearhead
[11:02:41] one is like triangles
[11:02:44] cleanse 2?
[11:03:13] as in?
[11:04:20] short edge to short edge deployment type
[11:04:21] lol
[11:05:20] he didn't look at that
[11:05:26] I did ask, there is somethin about CCWs
[11:05:37] power weapon is AP2
[11:07:45] there is a hull point systemm, damage chart changed
[11:08:03] 1-2 shaked 3 = stuned 4 = weapon destroyed 5 = wrecked 6 = kablam
[11:08:25] he didnt seen an immobile on the chart
[11:08:42] he just "Saw that it said AP2, not sure what it was about"
[11:10:05] terrain is a part of the FoC
[11:10:13] aegis defense line 50pts
[11:10:27] cover is 5+
11:12:31] nope
[11:12:42] "fortifcation FOC slot"
[11:13:09] 1 per game
[11:15:57] err sorry 1 per player per game
[11:16:25] rapid fire is half range not 12"
[11:17:51] rapid fire isnt limited by movement
[11:18:09] snapshot is also for HWs that have moved
[11:19:06] yes
[11:19:10] BS1
[11:19:22] heavy bolter that moves = 3 shots at BS1
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